Bank Information

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For payments in EUR

Account owner: Mezinarodni hokejbalova asociace, Zatopkova 100/2, PO Box 40, 160 17 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Name of the bank: MONETA Money Bank, Vitezne namesti 2, Prague 6, 160 00, Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ25 0600 0000 0002 1668 3015
Number of the account: 216683015
Code of the bank: 0600 

For payments in CZK

Account owner: Mezinarodni hokejbalova asociace, Zatopkova 100/2, PO Box 40, 160 17 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Name of the bank: MONETA Money Bank, Vitezne namesti 2, Prague 6, 160 00, Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ28 0600 0000 0002 1668 3058
Number of the account: 216683058
Code of the bank: 0600